Our services

We offer an extensive range of financial services which enable us to create a tailored financial plan, whatever your financial situation. We will assist you with managing your short and long term financial needs, from starting out in the workforce, through to planning for retirement.

We offer an extensive range of financial services which enable us to create a tailored financial plan, whatever your financial situation.

Our team of professionals offer in-depth knowledge and advice in the following key areas:

  • Life-stage financial planning
  • Wealth creation, including asset allocation and investment selection; and investment gearing
  • Superannuation and retirement planning
  • Aged care, and
  • Risk insurance

Other services include:

  • redundancy planning
  • Centrelink entitlements
  • corporate and group superannuation plans estate planning, and
  • salary packaging.

Life-stage financial planning

Traditionally, the average life-stage began with finishing school in your teens, starting your first job in your 20's, buying a house, getting married and having children throughout your late 20's and 30's, and enjoying a long career until we retire at 65. But times have changed.

In recent times, we are seeing clients with different social patterns. The new trends we are seeing have resulted in children staying at home longer and more commonly delaying marriage and career changes. Some people may never buy a residential property in favour of investing through global property trusts or managed funds.

Today, life-stages are more likely to be related to the challenges we face throughout our lives or when we achieve key milestones, which can happen at different times. Our financial strategies should reflect what's going on in our lives, rather than your physical age. This is the essence of life-stage financial planning.

We work with you to address the fluidity of life's challenges and milestones to determine your specific financial needs.

Wealth creation

Wealth creation is about building financial security now so you can focus on enjoying your lifestyle in the future. Choosing where and how to invest your money is a difficult decision and will depend on many factors including your overall investment objectives, approach to investment risk and the amount of time you have to invest.

We can help define your personal situation and recommend financial solutions and strategies to help you reach your financial goals.

Whether you are investing to finance your business, lifestyle, private education or provide for your retirement, it's never too late to take control.

Superannuation and retirement planning

Planning for retirement is one of life's most important financial considerations. The actions you take today will determine your lifestyle in the future.

Superannuation is one of the most tax-effective and popular ways to save for retirement. Contributing to super allows you to put money aside during your working life to use when you retire. However, it can be difficult to keep up with the changing rules and regulations.

We can explain the rules and provide you with strategies to help you maximise your retirement savings.

Self-managed super funds

Self-managed super funds (SMSF) gives you control of how your superannuation benefits are invested, operated and managed. SMSFs allow you to invest in a range of assets such as shares, managed funds, term deposits, property, art and collectables. You also have the option to borrow to purchase property and shares.

While SMSFs are a compelling structure for those who want full decision making capabilities, having your own fund can generate a mountain of paperwork, such as looking after the establishment, asset administration, super administration, investment strategy and end of year financials.

As well as assist you with the establishment of an SMSF, we provide you with ongoing strategy, investment, insurance and estate planning advice for your SMSF and can provide assistance to other superannuation professionals in relation to asset administration, super administration and end of year financials.

Risk insurance

Risk insurance forms a critical part of the financial planning process. It provides you with protection against the financial implications of an event such as death, disablement, serious illness or injury.

There are a range of insurance options available that can be tailored to suit your needs and personal situation. The most common types of risk insurance include:

Income protection

In the event that you are unable to work due to prolonged illness or injury, income protection provides you with a monthly benefit of up to 75 per cent of your salary. This is paid while you are unable to return to the workforce, up to age 65.

Life Insurance

Life insurance helps alleviate the financial burden your family may be left with after your death. This is usually paid as a lump sum, to your nominated beneficiaries to assist with medical costs, funeral expenses and help maintain your family's lifestyle.

Total and permanent disability (TPD)

This provides a lump sum in the event of a permanent disability that prevents you from ever returning to work.


Trauma insurance is generally paid as a lump sum upon diagnosis of an eligible condition (eg cancer, heart disease).

Aged care

Navigating the current aged care system can be a confusing and exhausting experience even before the recent changes are taken into consideration. Our advisers are accredited aged care specialists who are able to provide expert guidance and aid with your (or your family member's) transition to assisted living. We have helped many older Australians develop strategies to maximise their finances for the different stages of residential care. We can also help you by providing advice on the preservation of your assets for estate purposes. Some of the aged care service we offer are:

General educational consultation

  • A general meeting with us to discuss the process of entering residential care – including an overview of the rules, regulations fees and charges involved.

Centrelink assessement forms

  • We can assist with the process of your centrelink financial assessment.

Complete advisory service

  • We provide you with full written advice with our recommendations, analysis and forecasting. We also provide you with options for a number of different scenarios.